Problem-based learning på naturhistorisk museum

NAFADISE med Matthias Recke, IPN, Kiel, Tyskland

Matthias Recke, ph.d. studerende på Leibniz-Institut für die Pädagogik der Naturwissenschaften (IPN), fortæller om sit projekt der undersøger problem-based learning i udstillinger på naturhistorisk museum i Frankfurt/Main. Matthias har udviklet en række opstillinger, hvis didaktiske design reflekterer problembaseret læring, og er i gang med at undersøge disse opstillingers virkning på museumsgæster.


In cooperation with the natural history museum in Frankfurt/Main we designed and produced several interactive exhibits, constituting a small exhibition about the theme hearing.

The textual information design and also the interactions are forming a didactical structure that follows basically the method of problem-oriented learning. Visitors experience different information that obviously cannot be brought in a conceptual line, thus presenting a cognitive barrier that should be conquered.

This presentation should challenge visitors to reflect their pre-concepts and ideas in order to foster the acquisition of conceptual knowledge and the development of their concepts. We are using questionnaire, the method of thinking aloud and also conduct interviews to investigate the effect of a problem-oriented information design. With an experimental and a control group we aim to measure the characteristic and the depth of the cognitive activities people show during the interactions in the different settings.