Tosprogede elever og matematik i gymnasiet - en case-baseret analyse af didaktiske kontrakter

Forsvar af kandidatspeciale i matematik ved Servet Dönmez.

Resume af specialet.  In this thesis, it is investigated how the learning of mathematics of the so-called bilingual pupils is taking shape in the secondary school, especially with regard to linguistic and culturally determined challenges related to the mathematical content. The theory of didactical situations, especially the theory of didactical microcontracts are used. It is investigated if bilingual pupils do better than monolingual, and explanations are offered of the differences which are found.
It is asked if there exists a linguistic dimension in mathematics with negative consequences for the bilingual pupils in connection with the didactic contracts and the didactic situations.

Specialeforsvaret afholdes på dansk.

Censor: lektor Morten Misfeldt, AU

Vejleder: prof. Carl Winsløw, IND