Proportional reasoning in school mathematics

In this seminar, we will learn and discuss about different approaches and studies of proportional reasoning as a central theme in school mathematics. The programme is:

13.15-13.45: Presentation by Anette Hilton, U. of Aarhus: Proportional reasoning: What is it, how can it be promoted in students and why is it important?

13:45-14.00: Presentation by Klaus Rasmussen, U. of Copenhagen: Two Japanese classes from Azuma Junior High school on proportional reasoning: Congruence (grade 8) and similarity (grade 9)

14.00-14.15: Presentation by Dyana Wijayanti, U. of Copenhagen: A Reference Epistemological Model for Proportionality

14.15-14.30: Break, coffee

14.30-15.00: Questions and discussion related to the presentations

Everyone is welcome!