Lecture 3/3 in the EPIC Lecture Series: Rethinking Physics Teaching

(EPIC: Educational Physics In Copenhagen)


Physics is taught in an amazingly similar manner worldwide. Why is that so? We can speculate on many reasons for this homogeneity, but is it reasonable to believe that we have found THE optimal way to teach physics? In reality, our traditions are so strongly established that one rarely asks why it should be exactly the way it is or if it is possible to do things differently.

In this lecture series, three clear exceptions to this rule will present alternative approaches and argue for breaking with tradition in physics teaching. The Niels Bohr Institute and the Department of Science Education gladly invite everyone interested in physics education to participate in this event. After each of the talks, participants will have the opportunity for fruitful individual discussions. Refreshments will be provided.

Feel free to get in touch with the organizers - Ricardo Karam ricardo.karam@ind.ku.dk and Ian Bearden bearden@nbi.ku.dk - if you need further information.

Lecture 3 – October 28, 2015 15.15 Aud. D, NBI (Blegdamsvej 17)

Intellectual Tension and Physics Teaching

Manoel. R. Robilotta - University of São Paulo, Brazil

Physics has many facets and its knowledge is interwoven in a rather complex fabric of both processes and intellectual products. It conveys, therefore, intrinsic tensions. The aim of this talk is to stress that intellectual tension has an important role to play in physics teaching. In order to make discussions more concrete, these ideas are exemplified with basic topics of electromagnetism, such as batteries, wires and radiation, as well as considerations about the weight of energy.

Read also about lecture 1 and lecture 2.