Master's thesis and other projects

If you want to do your master's thesis in the didactics of your subject

The first you should do is contact Head of Department, who will suggest a supervisor among the scientific staff of the department. You will then discuss the possible themes of the thesis with the supervisor and finally the theme of the thesis must be approved by the study board, before the writing begins!

If you want to do a (bachelor) project in the didactics of your subject

You must begin by checking (with the study director or student counsellor) if it is possible to do a bachelor project in the didactics of your subject. Alternatively a subject didactical project can be included in the "free" part of the bachelor programme (at least one year can consist of freely chosen courses according to the statute). After this you should contact Head of Department, who will suggest a supervisor among the scientific staff at the department.

It is a prerequisition for project work and writing your master's at DSE, that you have completed one or more courses in didactics. Here you will most likely have gotten an impression of the topics that you would like to explore.

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