Teacher view of the tools and aids competency in mathematics

Publikation: KonferencebidragPaperForskningfagfællebedømt

This paper reports on the findings from a workshop about why teachers would or would not choose to utilize digital tools in their mathematics teaching.The participants in this 2-daylong workshop were two mathematics teachers, one teacher student and one PhD student in mathematics education.This workshop was of the format Datasprint, where participants with different backgrounds come together to work on this problem, by interpreting and discussion data and a research question. The data in this paper is thus comprised of two layers, one being audio recordings from the workshop as well as documents constructed by the participants. The second layer being 2262 planned teaching sequences entered into a Learning Management System. The analysis of the combination of the data show that a lot of teaching with digital tools is segregated from other parts of mathematics, as well as teachers finding this tobe a surprise.
Antal sider4
StatusAccepteret/In press - 2024
Begivenhed14th International Congress on Mathematical Education - Shanghai Convention & Exhibition Center, Shanghai, Kina
Varighed: 11 jul. 202118 jul. 2021
Konferencens nummer: 14


Konference14th International Congress on Mathematical Education
LokationShanghai Convention & Exhibition Center

ID: 252408295