28. juni 2019


"Peer-feedback" - [4.5Mb]

IND's studenterserie nr. 75. Masterafhandling - Master i scienceundervisning.

Svenning Helth Møller, 2019.

Vejleder: Jan Sølberg


This project examines how motivation in learning processes is enhanced by the use of peer-feedback in an educational context. The study especially concerns peer feedback communi-cated through the web-based platform Peergrade.io. Furthermore, the research investigates how peer feedback could encourage the students to utilize tacit knowledge to improve their ability for co-operative work and reflecting on the processes.
How can peer feedback enhance the motivation to learn, especially the feedback communi-cated through the Peergrade.io tool? Which didactic steps can motivate the students to take part in the activity and develop skills in self-regulation for learning purposes?
First, the motivational discourse appears to be a crucial part of how learning takes place through different learning processes.
Feedback that is communicated from peer to peer through the Peergrade.io webpage will be available to the students while their own uploaded assignment is still fresh in minds.
The biggest concern from students was regarding inaccuracy of review and feedback from peers. Some students prefer teacher feedback to peer feedback. The concern was how peers at entry level could produce quality feedback to his/her peers. However, peer-feedback at entry level can lead to good discussions in the class when the teacher is available to follow up on how the students did phrase the peer-feedback.
For the students to be able to compare actual performances from their peers with a standard, they need to improve their own evaluative skills and be more aware of the learning goals. The process is supported by the teacher through the rubrics that the teacher has formulated in the Peergrade.io tool. This instructional approach allows students to experience more efficient learning through active participation. Thus, the learning process promotes a deeper level of learning compared with teacher feedback.
With reference to literature findings and the research from one class, this dissertation con-cludes that Peer feedback through the Peergrade.io tool can enhance the motivation to learn-ing when participation is chosen by the students themselves.
The motivation especially arises when students experience a variation in teaching strategies and become active in the dialogue with the other students in class. When students interpret ex-ternal feedback from peers in relation to their internal learning goals they tend to develop more self-regulative skills.