29. juni 2019

Feedbackformater på Mulernes Legatskole

"Feedbackformater på Mulernes Legatskole" - [2.3Mb]

IND's studenterserie nr. 76. Masterafhandling - Master i scienceundervisning.

Lars Hansen & Lisbeth Birch Jensen, 2019.

Vejleder: Helle Mathiasen


This paper investigates the feedback on written work related to experiments in science at Mulernes Legatskole. How does it affect the students, and does it motivate them into further learning?
243 science assignments have been examined and interviews with teachers who give different feedback than the majority have been carried out. In a survey questionnaire, the students are asked about the correlations between the feedback they receive, and the feedback they prefer. From comments in the questionnaire survey, student interviews are carried out to get the students’ elaborations of their views.
75% of the assignments are handed in and evaluated traditionally. This is identified and accepted by the students who, however, express a lack of audiovisual and concrete feedback.
In stx there is a clash of interests between the high amount of group assignments and the general wish from the students to hand in assignments individually. This is not the case in hf where the students prefer group assignments.
There is a distinct wish for grades accompanied by profound formative feedback. The majority of students in hf would like to have grades to know their actual level.
The students express that a good feedback results in motivation, and that they use the feedback very much to improve their academic level.
The results from the research are compared to other results and discussed in relation to other research from this field of study.