Double seminar on Statistics Education
Andreas Eichler (University of Kassel) and Koji Otaki (Hokkaido University of Education) will each give a lecture on their work in Statistics Education. The seminar takes place in the morning of May 26, and can conveniently be combined with attending the PhD-defense by Camilla Østergaard, planned in the afternoon, and also bearing on the topic of Statistics Education. See announcement of the PhD-defense here.
Title of the talk by Andreas Eichler (10.00-11.00):
TrainBayes – Improving Bayesian reasoning
Bayes formula is a main model to cope with situations under uncertainty that we call Bayesian situations. Unfortunately, people heavily struggle when dealing with Bayesian situations. This applies to young learners of statistics and probability, as well as to experts, who are requested to judge situations under uncertainty, such as physicians or lawyers. In our talk, we present research about how to improve Bayesian reasoning, that is, to deal with Bayesian situations. In this presentation, I give a review of international approaches and discuss our own research. On the basis of this research, I end with our interpretation of the main aspects of Bayesian reasoning, an impression of a training course on Bayesian reasoning for physicians and lawyers, and results of the related study measuring an extended Bayesian reasoning. See also: Participants in the seminar can request the slides from this presentation by email to the speaker,
Title of the talk by Koji Otaki (11.00-12.00):
Statistical inquiries into Brousseau’s guessing game
In this presentation, I shall introduce Brousseau’s guessing game as a promising question and situation that prompts statistical inquiries at the levels of secondary school and university. Many facts I will provide with you there, were found out through the comparison of the didactic endineering for teacher education in the past several years in Spain and Japan. Note: this talk will be based on recent joint working with Marianna Bosch, Berta Barquero, Ryoto Hakamata, Hiroto Fukuda, and Hiroki Ohtani.