How is the theme of linear function presented and related to mathematics in textbooks and classrooms?


How is the theme of linear function presented and related to mathematics in textbooks and classrooms? A praxeological study comparison between China and Indonesia.


Dyana Wijayanti, ECNU Shanghai


China and Indonesia reformed their curriculum in 2022, emphasising connections within the mathematics subject. This study aims to explore the connections between the knowledge to be taught and the knowledge actually taught in linear function through the lens of the didactic transposition process. The research questions for this study are: (1) how is the praxeological organisation of linear function presented in Chinese and Indonesian secondary mathematics textbooks? (2) how is the praxeological organisation of linear function in Chinese and Indonesian secondary mathematics classrooms? and (3) how is linear function linked within the mathematics subject in the textbooks and classroom settings in both countries? The research will employ qualitative methods, including textbook analysis, classroom observation, and interviews. The data analysis will provide insight into the comparative study approach, which will enrich the organisation of linear functions. Implications will be discussed.