Jesper Lundsfryd Rasmussen
Department of Science Education
Jagtvej 155A
2200 København N
My areas of interest cover classical German philosophy and romanticism, phenomenology, existentialism, philosophy of nature, history of science (esp. in 18th and 19th century), and environmental philosophy (anthropocene). In general, I am interested in metaphysics, and historicity and the interdependence between these areas, the natural sciences, and arts in this period.
Current research
Dr. Rasmussen is currently a Carlsberg Reintegration Fellow (two-year Postdoc) with the project The History of Nature: Henrik Steffens and the Foundations of Modern Earth Sciences. The HistNat project will assess the influence of philosophical discussions on the history of nature for the foundation of the modern earth sciences in Great Britain. Through a historical analysis of archive material, Jesper will conduct a historical analysis of the impact of the works of natural philosopher Henrik Steffens, including his influence on Charles Lyell. You can read more about the HistNat project here.
Moreover, he is a member of and postdoc in the 3-year Explorative Network "Transformative Transmissions: German-Scandinavian Intellectual Communities 1790-1860", funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark. Together with PI, Christian Benne (University of Copenhagen), and 15 scholars from USA and Europe, he will explore the landscape and nature of the transmissions of knowledge in science, philosophy, arts, and theology between the Germanies and Scandinavia. You can read more about the network here.
ID: 73893105