All development projects

Comprehension oriented feedback in teaching mathematics and physics at stx and htx

30 June 2011

The development project aims towards the development of different kinds of feedback in teaching maths and physics that can strengthen the students' understanding of the criteria for evaluation and of what they have to do to improve their understanding and participation in class. The project is especially focused on ways of giving feedback that can support students whose parents have not attended the Danish upper secondary school.

Dilemmas in Climate Change

1 June 2011

A panel of students from University of Copenhagen enters the upper secondary schools, and they hold a climate conference of three hours, where they are to disseminate the newest climate research. The student panel is in close contact to climate scientists and experts from Copenhagen. The students act as an alter ego of an expert in climate research during the conference at the upper secondary schools.

Negative Social Inheritance - research, facilitation, and analysis project

29 March 2011

Nine networks of upper secondary schools (stx, hhx, htx, and hf) has implemented development projects aimed at improving the possibilities of students whose parents have not attended an upper secondary school themselves. DSE's project followed the projects and analyzed the transverse experiences.
DSE's research and analysis project has contributed to the qualification and collection of transverse experiences and conclusions from the school-based network projects, which were initiated January 2010. ...

Science dissemination via web

15 January 2011

The aim of the project is to gather knowledge on how to disseminate science via the Web media in the best possible way in relation to teaching and to disseminate the knowledge to producers of science dissemination.
The project consists of three ...

New Science Teachers' Network

3 May 2010

The purpose is to build a network that can support the newly qualified science teachers in the upper secondary school in developing a teaching practice based upon the field's experiences, and subject matter didactic research.

The Future Study Environment at the University

1 March 2010

The project has developed a report that gives a general view of what is crucial for a good study environment at the university, and what the physical frames have to support. The development is made with background in didactic and pedagogic research and Danish and international experiences in building. The visions are made more specific with suggestions to possible rebuilding of the HCØ-building, Universitetsparken 5. Read and comment the report...

DASG projects 2009

26 February 2010

The Department of Science Education, University of Copenhagen, has during the academic year 2008-09 and autumn 2009 participated in three projects with Danish Science Gymnasiums (DASG):

  1. Final evaluation of "Jordobservationer". (Obervations of the Earth)
  2. Didactical research on "Moodle/JiTT (Report, October 2009)
  3. Evaluation of questionnaire on "Dataopsamling og Databehandling" (Data Collection and Data Processing)

Progression and transition

21 January 2010

In cooperation with 21 upper secondary schoold and six higher education institutions, including among others the following faculties of the University of Copenhagen: SCIENCE, HUMANITIES as well as SOCIAL SCIENCES, the Department of Science Education takes part in the project Progression and Transition the purpose of which is to facilitate the transition process from upper secondary to higher education level for the students.

Learning GIS - Examination of various learning strategies of students and their reactions to different course plans

21 January 2010

The project examines empirically the dialgue between teacher and student at two different courses in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) applying very diffent course plans. The purpose of the project is to uncover the learning processes of the students as regards their learning stratey, the use of the GIS software as such as well as their ways of finding solutions to geographical problems. 

Continuing Education of Science Teachers in Primary and Lower and Upper Secondary Schools

30 November 2009

The purpose of this project is to develop science teaching through continuing education of the teachers in the primary and lower and upper secondary school. The project will develop tools, which are subject matter didactic like teaching material and pedagogies, in close correlation between theory and the participating teachers' practice. The main idea is that the interested science teachers from schools in the same geographical area will organise in local groups. They will get support to working with central problems formulated by themselves inside the given groups of subjects.

Inspiration Day 2010 - SCIENCE, LIFE, PHARMA: "Nature and health"

2 July 2009

DSE participates in the planning of the science inspiration day for teachers at upper secondary schools which will take place Friday the 8th of January 2010. The Faculty of Science (Science), the Faculty Pharmaceutical Sciences (PHARMA) and the Faculty of Life Sciences (LIFE) are in charge of the event.

The new way of writing in mathematics teaching

20 April 2009

The Association for Teachers in Mathematics in upper secondary school has in cooperation with Department of Science Education applied for and received funding from the Ministry of Education with the purpose of gathering and sharing experiences with teaching the many new types of written mathematical presentation, and of discussing the evaluation criteria and methods compared to the written products.

Project coordinator for the development project: Erik Von Essen, (Association for maths teachers).

DASG projects 2008

18 March 2009

Department of Science Education, University of Copenhagen, has during the school year 2007-2008 participated in three projects with Danish Science Upper Secondary Schools
(in Danish: Danske Science Gymnasier (DASG)):

  1. Didactical research on "Dataopsamling og databehandling". (Article in MONA, no. 1 2009) (Data Collection and Data Processing)
  2. Final evalution of "Naturfag for alle - naturvidenskabeligt grundforløb". (Report, September 2008) (Science for Everybody - science basic course)
  3. Midtvejsevaluering af jordobservationer. (Report, June 2008) (Midway evaluation of observations of the Earth)

The Tenth May Conference 2010

11 March 2009

Preperation of the tenth May Conference about mathematical and science didactics. The May Conference is an activity which the institutions behind Danish Centre for Science Didactics (in Danish: Dansk Center for Naturvidenskabsdidaktik, DCN) have continued after the formal closing of DCN in 2001. In 2010 University of Copenhagen is hosting the conference.

Department Development Projects 2009

1 March 2009

In 2009 a project was launched at each of the departments under the Faculty of Science. The development projetcs are part of an integrated follow-up on the systematic teaching evaluation work and is part of a common strategic effort in 2009 under the priority area "Quality Assurance of Education and Teaching".

The DSE participates in all projects as a consultant providing sparring and knowledge sharing to the individual departments.

Dreams about the Universe

23 February 2009

In this project DSE and the National Museum develop a cross-disciplinary teaching activity that can be used in the general study (AT) teaching. The activity is about the paradigm shift from the geocentric worldview to the heliocentric. It will take place at the National Museum and it includes role play, a guided tour and experimental work.

Climate changes as a wicked problem

23 February 2009

The course is addressed towards participants with a long-cycle higher education programme in technology, natural sciences or social sciences. The participants will through different methods from theories of science and social science learn to analyse the basis for making qualified decisions in relation to climate changes.

Implementation of qualification frame at SCIENCE

13 February 2009

The faculty and the study board have decided to implement the new Danish qualification frame for higher education programmes which was passed in 2008. Department of Science Education has developed a guide for that purpose and assists the study board and the head of studies in the work through sparring, meetings and seminars.

Evaluation of teaching at SCIENCE

1 September 2008

The Faculty of Science has asked DSE to participate in delivering inputs for a joint questionnaire for student evaluation of the obligatory courses at the faculty and for support in connection with implementation, inspiration, and ressources concerning evaluation.

Dropout rate from the mathematics programme

23 June 2008

In spring 2008 Department of Mathematical Science asked Department of Science Education to identify causes for the early dropout from the mathematics programme, i.e. reasons for the students to leave the undergraduate programme in mathematics during the first couple of years. In particular factors which the department's educational responsible can take action on are of interest here.
We have to take a closer look at the students who began their study programme in autumn 2006.
Hvorfor gik de ud? En analyse af frafald på årgang 2006 af matematikstudiet...

Study patterns - development of quantitative tools

1 June 2008

A cross-disciplinary and cross-institutional project group was founded in 2007 with purpose of developing a tool to collect and interpret quantitative knowledge about the students' different ways of analysing and their different needs. The tool is a questionnaire with belonging analytical models. The tool can be used across different subjects and universities for development of the programmes and for research.

National strategy for nature, technology and health

20 May 2008

The government has taken initiative to a national strategy for the strengthening of nature, technology and health in order to get more teenagers to choose that kind of education.
The minister of education and the minister of science published March 19 2007 a group which has to come up with suggestions for how such a strategy can look. The chairman is the dean at SCIENCE at University of Copenhagen,
Nils O. Andersen.
The group's secretariat is placed at Department of Science Education, University of Copenhagen. Please apply to ...

Educational Competences in Science

1 March 2008

DSE has received fundings from the Ministry of Education to carry through a project which will try to measure the educational competences in science.
The purpose of the project is to gain knowledge on the educational competences of the students in the upper secondary school in comparison to doing a technical higher education programme or one in natural science: What educational competences in science are crucial in order to start and finish the first year of studying at a natural science or techincal education programme? And to what extend can it be determined whether the students at the upper secondary school actually obtain these compe...

Inspiration Day at Science 2008

20 February 2008

The Science inspiration day with 'climate' as theme. The Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen hosted around 250 teachers from the upper secondary school 1 February 2008.

Gathering experiences with the e-learning platform ABSALON

1 February 2008

The University of Copenhagen (UoC) in 2007 introduced the new e-learning platform, Absalon, based on the Norwegian system "It's learning". In time all courses on UoC should have course sites etc. in Absalon, which allows for electronic communication, submission of papers/exercises, as well as test and questionnaire facilities.

Chosen programmes towards the upper secondary school

25 January 2008

The undergraduate study board appointed in November 2007 a committee which had to come up with suggestions for new initiatives in order to strengthen the faculties effort in educating teachers for the upper secondary school, including the increase and retentition of students with such job in sight.

Evaluation of Study Reform

15 December 2007

Evaluation of the study reform from 2004 at the Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen.

Communication course spring 2007

15 June 2007

Department of Science Education offers in spring 2007 a communication course for the particpipants of Cirkus Naturligvis, but also for other chosen persons.
The aim of the course is to contribute to the quality of the participants ability to communicate natural sciences with a special focus o...

DASG - midway evaluation 2007

1 June 2007

DSE has been in charge of midway evaluations of two sub-projects related to Danske Science Gymnasier (DASG) (Danish Science U...

Maths C evaluation

20 April 2007

Evaluation and gathering of experience for mathematics C level after the reform of the upper secondary school. Evaluation is made by a consortium consisting of Department of Science Education, union of maths teachers from different upper secondary schools and Metropolitanskolen. The project is financed with support from the Ministry of Education.
The report is published in DSE's written series and can be downloaded in Danish at this link:
Se IND's skriftserie nr. 16
Coordinator of the project at DSE: ...

New grading scale

1 April 2007

DSE participates in the process of implementing the new grading scale and the new goal description at the Faculty of Science, UoC. On inquiry of the faculty DSE made a series of workshops at the department in week 16, 2007.
Project responsible from DSE:
Camilla Rump

Video in the learning process

2 March 2007

Lillan Madsen from physical education har through several years experimented with the inclusion of video recordings of the students as a support in the learning process. The purpose of the development project is to document and continue from these experiences.

The competent teacher

1 March 2007

In November 2006 the Vice-Dean for Education appointed a working group called: "The Competent (gode) Teacher - Incentives and Tools".
The working group consists of:
Søren Eilers, Department of Mathematics (chairman)
Marianne Ellegaard, Department of Biology
Eva Wulff Helge, Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences
Ian Bearden, Niels Bohr Institute
Christine Holm, Department of Science Education
Project description: Vice-Dean's project description of 13th November 2006...

<a class="legacy-tile-link" href="/english/development_projects/all/studiemiljo/" title="Read more: : Project " better="Better" study="study" environment="environment" 2007""="2007""">

Project "Better study environment 2007"

5 February 2007

As a result of the study environment committee's work in 2006, there is appointed a working group in 2007 which is supposed to make concrete changes of the physical study environment at HCØ, Universitetsparken 5. The aim is to make noticable changes already from September 2007.
The main focus is to create more and better working space and to establish a café environment.
the group is lead by Robert Feidenhans'l from the Niels Bohr Institute, and from DSE participant ...

Evaluation of bridge building courses in biology and mathematics

3 January 2007

University of Copenhagen has in the autumn of 2006 held bridge building courses for students in upper secondary school in the subjects: biology, mathematics, English and music. The bridge building project is coordinated by the competence unit. 
DSE has followed the mathematics and biology courses during the project and contributes to the evaluation of the courses. DSE takes care of especially the practical handling of the questionnaires from the courses in biology and ma...

GIS & Cartography, Autumn 2005

1 July 2006

The development project about teaching in and with the use of GIS in the introductory geography teaching, possibilities and problems. 
Short report in English:
GIS and Cartography at DGUC [pdf, 59K]
In Danish:
Afsluttende rapport [pdf-fil 262K]. Final report
Bilag 1: Interviewguide, undervisere. [pdf-fil 18K]
Bilag 2: Interviewguide, studerende midtvejs. [pdf-fil 19K]
Bilag 3: Studenter efter eksamen. [pdf-fil 18K]
Bilag 4: Test. [pdf-fil 15K]
Bilag 5: Spørgeskema. [pdf-fil 71K]

GIS-Undervisning på Universitetsniveau, article in MONA, September 2006-3....

Study environment committee 2006

30 June 2006

The Faculty of Science has appointed a study environment commitee, who in the first half of 2006 has to come up with substained suggestions for improval of study environment. In the end of June the committee is to hand in their report with recommendations and ideas. The focus will primarily be on the lounge at HCØ. But it will also contain general recommendations to the faculty's continuous work to improve the study environment.
All links, report, and appendices in Danish:...

GIS in the course 'Climate, Earth & Water', Spring 2006

6 April 2006

As a follow-up to the development project regarding the course 'GIS & Cartography', autumn 2005 at Department of Geography and Geology, we have decided to investigate how the students' GIS competences were used in the following geography course. It is therefore not a development or evaluation project of Climate, Eart & Water as a whole, but a minor offshot of the development project concerning GIS & Cartogrophy
Notat [pdf-fil, 45kb] (in Danish)
Project particpants from DSE: Christine Holm...

White book 2005

1 December 2005

The faculty has put down a working group with the purpose of making a white book about science university education aimed towards Rector. The globalisation council's conference 10-11 November 2005 was deadline for the white book. Its purpose is to give a general view upon what the faculty knows about science university education; recruiting, motivation, specialising, development, interaction with didactical research etc. It also has to point towards efforts that will have positive effects. 
Hvidbog om Naturvidenskabelige Universitetsuddannelser...