Field/Work in the Archive: Herbaria as Sites of Cultural Exchange

INDsigt FYSISK (on site) by Martha Ann Fleming, Visiting Scholar / Associate Professor, Natural History Museum of Denmark (SNM)

Martha Ann FlemingMore and more, the field of history of science is engaging in questions of epistemic justice with regard to different ways of knowing (for instance, indigenous and experiential ways of knowing in addition to scientific ways of knowing). Museums are actively pursuing methods of enabling a diversity of citizens meaningful access to collections – collections that may have been created in situations of asymmetrical power. This current research project stands at the crossroads between these two developments.  What does this intersection mean for a natural history museum, and how can plants open a path to productive intercultural discussions of both past and future?

FORMAT: This seminar is ON SITE, participant meets physically at Department of Science Education (IND), Niels Bohr Bygningen, Rådmandsgade 64, 2200 Kbh. N

INDsigt-seminars are public seminars on science education. They are usually in Danish. Read more on the Danish website: INDsigt - seminarrække . In order to plan the seminar and adjust the amount  of coffee we will appreciate your registration before 19 October 2023.