2nd Crossmmla: Multimodal learning analytics across physical and digital spaces

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articleResearchpeer-review

  • Roberto Martinez-Maldonado
  • Vanessa Echeverria
  • Luis P. Prieto
  • Maria Jesus Rodriguez-Triana
  • Spikol, Daniel
  • Mutlu Curukova
  • Manolis Mavrikis
  • Xavier Ochoa
  • Marcelo Worsley

Students’ learning is ubiquitous. It happens wherever the learner is rather than being constrained to a specific physical or digital learning space (e.g. the classroom or the institutional LMS respectively). A critical question is: how to integrate and coordinate learning analytics to provide continued support to learning across physical and digital spaces? CrossMMLA is the successor to the Learning Analytics Across Spaces (CrossLAK) and MultiModal Learning Analytics (MMLA) series of workshops that were merged in 2017 after successful cross-pollination between the two communities. Although it may be said that CrossLAK and MMLA perspectives follow different philosophical and practical approaches, they both share a common aim. This aim is: deploying learning analytics innovations that can be used across diverse authentic learning environments whilst learners feature various modalities of interaction or behaviour.

Original languageEnglish
JournalCEUR Workshop Proceedings
Publication statusPublished - 2018
Externally publishedYes
Event2nd Multimodal Learning Analytics Across (Physical and Digital) Spaces, CrossMMLA 2018 - Sydney, Australia
Duration: 6 Mar 2018 → …


Conference2nd Multimodal Learning Analytics Across (Physical and Digital) Spaces, CrossMMLA 2018
Period06/03/2018 → …

    Research areas

  • Integration, Learning analytics, Multimodal, Seamless learning

ID: 256268004