CSCL opportunities with digital fabrication through learning analytics

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review

  • Spikol, Daniel
  • Katerina Avramides
  • Eva Sophie Katterfeldt
  • Emanuele Ruffaldi
  • David Cuartielles

This paper presents a recently started research project that aims to generate, analyze, use, and provide feedback for analytics derived from hands-on, project-based and experiential learning scenarios. The project draws heavy influence from digital fabrication activities and related inquiry-based learning. The intention of the poster is to raise the discussion about how learning analytics from the project can be used to support and enhance learning for tangible technologies, These activities include physical computing and other lab work for small group work in higher education and high school settings.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationExploring the Material Conditions of Learning : Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Conference 2015, CSCL 2015 - Conference Proceedings
EditorsOskar Lindwall, Paivi Hakkinen, Timothy Koschmann, Pierre Tchounikine, Sten Ludvigsen
Number of pages2
PublisherInternational Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS)
Publication date2015
ISBN (Electronic)9780990355076
Publication statusPublished - 2015
Externally publishedYes
Event11th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning: Exploring the Material Conditions of Learning, CSCL 2015 - Gothenburg, Sweden
Duration: 7 Jun 201511 Jun 2015


Conference11th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning: Exploring the Material Conditions of Learning, CSCL 2015
SponsorGothenburg and Co, National Science Foundation, Taylor and Francis, The City of Gothenburg, The International Society of the Learning Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Faculty of Education and the Linnaeus Centre for Research on Learning, Interaction and Mediated Communication in Contemporary Society (LinCS)
SeriesComputer-Supported Collaborative Learning Conference, CSCL

    Research areas

  • Design, Learning analytics, Physical computing, Practice-based learning

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