About Carl Winsløw

I am working on the didactics of mathematics, mainly concerning the tertiary level. Here are some of my current areas of particular interest:

  • theories of didactics of mathematics and science
  • formation and induction of teachers of mathematics (particularly international comparison)
  • didactical designs aiming to further advanced student work in mathematics

My scientific works include also items on

  • didactics of mathematical analysis (and more generally, university math ed) 
  • mathematics teacher knowledge
  • epistemological components of preparing mathematics for teaching
  • subfactors of von Neumann algebras

You can see all my research publications here.

Curriculum Vitae of Carl Winsløw

  • Born February 18, 1968 in Odense. 
  • Attended primary and lower secondary school at Glamsbjerg Fri- og efterskole, 1974-1983. 
  • Attended high school (Math.-Phys. line) at Vestfyns Gymnasium, Glamsbjerg, 1983-1986. 
  • Studied at the University of Odense, 1986-1991. 
  • Teaching assistant in Mathematics and Physics at the University of Odense, 1988-1991. 
  • Masters Degree (Cand. Scient.) in Mathematics and French from Odense University, 1991. 
  • Research council scholar (forskningsrådsstipendiat) 1992-1994. 
    • Visiting Scholar at the Department of Mathematics, UC Berkeley, January-July 1992. 
    • Ph.D. studies at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo, August 1992-March 1994.
    • Supervisor: Prof. Yasuyuki Kawahigashi.
  • Ph.D. in Mathematical Sciences from the University of Tokyo, March 1994. 
  • Assistant Professor at the University of Copenhagen, April 1994-January 1998. 
  • Associate Research Professor at the University of Copenhagen, February 1998-June 1998. 
  • Associate Professor at the Danish University of Education, July 1998-July 2003.
  • Full Professor (with special duties) at the University of Copenhagen, Aug. 2003-Oct. 2007.
  • Full Professor at the University of Copenhagen from Nov. 1 2007.

Awards etc.

  • Introductory research study stipend from the University of Odense, 1991. 
  • National Science Research Council stipend, December 1991. 
  • Scandinavia-Japan Sasakawa Foundation scholarships, 1992, 1997 and 2000. 
  • Valdemar Andersen Travel Grant for Mathematicians, 1993. 
  • Carlsberg Foundation Travel Grants, 1995 and 1996. 
  • Faculty of Science (of U. Copenhagen) Teaching Price in mathematics, 1998.
  • Qualifié aux fonctions de professeur des universités, 26ème section, 2004, 2008. 
  • Bourse de la Ville de Paris, 2009. 
  • Invited guest professor, INRP, 2010.
  • JSPS senior invitation fellowships, 2006, 2009, 2013, 2017

Professional services and memberships
Professional organisations: 

Committees and management (selected tasks):

  • From 2021: President of ERME
  • From 2022: Member of Study Board for Mathematics and Computer Science, UCPH
  • 2013-2019: Member of the Board of the ERME (from 2015 as secretary)
  • 2007-2017: Deputy chair for research at the Department of Science Education, University of Copenhagen 
  • 2010-2015: Member of the Scientific Programme Committees for CERME7, CERME8 and CERME9
  • 2014-2015: Member of the Scientific Committee for the 18th summer school of ARDM
  • 2015-2016: Co-chair of the Scientific Committee for INDRUM2016
  • 2017-2018: Member of the Scientific Committee for INDRUM2018
  • 2025-2026: Member of the Scientific Committee for INDRUM2026
  • 2012-2018: Member of the Scientific Committees for CITAD3, CITAD4, CITAD5, CITAD6, CITAD7 and CITAD8
  • 2007: Chair of committee on high school teacher education under the Faculty board of M.Sc.studies
  • 2009, 2012: Member of the Scientific Programme Committees for “Espace Mathématique Francophone” 
  • Since 2006: Member of the editorial board of Recherches en Didactique des Mathématiques 
  • Since 2005: Member of the editorial board of Annales de Didactique et de Sciences Cognitives 
  • 2012-2016: Member of the international advisory board of Research in Mathematics Education 
  • 2013-2027: Member of the editorial board of European Journal of Mathematics and Science Education
  • Since 2014: Member of t the editorial board of International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education
  • 1999-2009: Co-editor of Matilde (magazine from Danish Math. Society)
  • Ad hoc: Reviewer for Educational Studies in Mathematics, Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education, …
  • 2007-2008: Chair of the Scientific Programme Committee for NORMA08