
Research papers by Carl Winsløw (jump to year by clicking below):

1993 1994 1995 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 

Books are here (separate list).

Some of the papers below can be accessed by direct links. 
Please let me know if you would like an electronic copy of some of those which can not.

Papers to appear, under review, etc.

154. (with O. Rizzo) Towards European measures for upper secondary teacher students’ mathematical content knowledge. To appear in Proceedings of CERME14.

153. (with P. Tonnesen) Conditions and constraints for using a foreign textbook to support the transition from arithmetic to algebra. Manuscript, submitted.

152. (with R. Hochmuth, J. Peters and F. RønningModelling mathematics for educational research and practice: a comparison of two theoretical frameworks. Educational Studies of Mathematics (online first, open access).

151. Revisiting the notion of equations in a capstone course: forging internal and external connections. To appear in PRIMUS.

150. What is important in undergraduate mathematics? Revisiting covariation through functional equations. To appear in proceedings of INDRUM 2024.

149. (with M. Aoki and Y. Asami-Johansson). Learning to speak mathematically at the Japanese supplementary school in Sweden: critical cases of praxeological anomaly. Educational Studies of Mathematics (online first, open access).

148. (with R. Huo). From global to local aspects of Klein's second discontinuity. To appear in Recherches en Didactique des Mathématiques.

147. (with I. Fayos) Functional modelling with study and research paths: a theoretical proposal. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, online first.


146. (With K. Dedenroth) Hvordan bruger gymnasiets matematiklærere deres uddannelse? MONA 2024-3, 45-62.

145. Assessing mathematical knowledge for the profession of upper secondary mathematics teaching. In: I. Florensa, N. Ruiz-Munzón, K. Markulin, B. Barquero, M. Bosch & Y. Chevallard (Eds.) Trends in Mathematics, vol. 16, pp. 573-587.

144. (with R. Borromeo-Ferri, N. Mousoulides, and A. Romo-Vasquez). Mathematics and interdisciplinary education. In J. Wang (Ed), Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on Mathematical Education, vol. 1, pp. 556-560. World Scientific Publ.

143. (with M. Bosch, A. González-Martín, R. HuoTechnology in University Mathematics Education. In Pepin, B., Gueudet, G. and Choppin, J. (eds), Handbook of digital resources in mathematics education, pp. 823-850. Springer.


142. (with S. Wang and B. Xu). Mathematical praxeologies in Chinese and Singaporean senior high school textbooks: the case of probability. In P. Drijvers, C. Csapodi, H. Palmér, K. Gosztonyi, & E. Kónya (Eds.), Proceedings of the Thirteenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME13). pp. 4221-4228. Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics and ERME.

141. Didactics of Mathematics as a field of mathematical research: the anthropological approach. In: S. Stewart (Ed), Mathematicians’ Reflections on Teaching: A Symbiosis with Mathematics Education Theories, pp. 123-138.

140. (with R. Bos, B. Jessen and M. Doorman). Lesson Study in High Schools with TDS and RME as theoretical support: Two cases from the European TIME project. International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies 12(1), 52-64.

139. (with R. Huo). Task design for Klein's second discontinuity. Perspectivas da Educação Matemática 16 (42), 1-13.

138. (with M. Bosch). Teacher education at the University. In M. Trigueros, B. Barquero, R. Hochmuth and J. Peters INDRUM2022 Proceedings, pp. 464-467.


137. (with M. AokiHow to map larger parts of the mathematics curriculum? The case of primary school arithmetic in Japan. In: J. Hodgen, E. Geraniou, G. Bolondi and F. Ferretti (Eds), Proceedings of the Twelfth Congress of European Research Society in Mathematics Education (CERME12). Free University of Bozen-Bolzano and ERME.

136. (with R. Biehler,M.LiebendörferG. Gueudet, & C. Rasmussen). Practice-Oriented Research in Tertiary Mathematics Education – An Introduction. In: R. Biehler, M.Liebendörfer, G. Gueudet, C. Rasmussen, & C. Winsløw (Eds), Practice-Oriented Research in Tertiary Mathematics Educationpp. 1-20. Springer.

135. (with B. Barquero). Preservice secondary school teachers revisiting real numbers: a striking instance of Klein’s second discontinuity. In: R. Biehler, M.Liebendörfer, G. Gueudet, C. Rasmussen, & C. Winsløw (Eds), Practice-Oriented Research in Tertiary Mathematics Educationpp. 513-531. Springer.

134. (with J. Bahn, A. Dias and K. Rasmussen) Lesson Study in mathematics: the case of DenmarkEducação Matemática em Revista 23(1) 123-133.

133. Mathematical Analysis at University. In: Chevallard Y. et al. (eds), Advances in the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic, pp.295-305. Birkhäuser, Cham.


132. (with C. Hellsten Østergaard) Sustainable lesson study and paradidactic infrastructure: the case of Denmark. Hiroshima Journal of Mathematics Education 14, 1-15.

131. (with K. Schmidt)  Authentic engineering problems in service mathematics assignments:  Principles, processes and products from twenty years of task design.  International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education 7, 261-283  

130. (with M. Jensen) Questioning Corona - a study and research pathTeaching Mathematics and its Applications 40(2), 154–165

129. Lesson Study in Mathematics: Means, aims and obstacles. Perspectivas da Educação Matemática.14(34), 1-11.

128. (with R. BiehlerB. Jaworski, F. Rønning and M. Wawro)  Education and professional development of university mathematics teachers. In V. Durand-Guerrier, R. Hochmuth , E. Nardi and C. Winsløw (Eds.), Research and Development in University Mathematics Educationpp. 59-79. Routledge.

127. (with M. Bosch, T. Hausberger, R. Hochmuth and M. Kondratieva). External didactic transposition in undergraduate mathematicsInternational Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education 7(1), 140-162.


126. Professional and academic bases of university mathematics teaching for the 21st century: the anthropological approach to practice based research. In T. Hausberger, M. Bosch & F. Chellougui (Eds.),Proceedings of the Third Conference of the International Network for Didactic Research in University Mathematics, pp. 8-27. Bizerte, Tunisia: University of Carthage and INDRUM.

125. (with M. Bosch) The external didactic transposition of mathematics at university level: dilemmas and challenges for research. Educação Matemática Pesquisa 22(4), 373-386.

124. (with Y. Asami-Johansson and I Attorps). Comparing the practices of primary school mathematics teacher education. Case studies from Japan, Finland and Sweden. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 51 (5),

123. (with M. Bosch, T. Hausberger and R. Hochmuth) External didactic transposition in undergraduate mathematics.  In: U. Jankvist, M. Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen and M. Veldhuis (Eds)., Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Educationpp. 2442-2449. Utrecht, the Netherlands.

122. Analysis teaching and learning. In S. Lerman (Ed), "Encyclopedia of Mathematics Education" ,  pp.  50-53, Cham: Springer.

121. (with C. Rasmussen) University Mathematics Education. In S. Lerman (Ed),  "Encyclopedia of Mathematics Education", pp. 881-889Cham: Springer.


120. (with A. Dias and P. Baltar) Lesson study with didactical engineering for student teachers in BrazilInternational Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies 9(2), 127-138.

119. (with B. JessenK. OtakiT. Miyakawa, H. Hamanaka, T. Mizoguchi, and Y. Shinno) The Ecology of Study and Research Paths in Upper Secondary School: the cases of Denmark and Japan. In: M. Bosch, Y. Chevallard, F. Garcia & J. Monaghan (Eds), Working with the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic in Mathematics Education: A coprehensive casebook, pp. 118-138.  London:Routledge.

118. What matters to students' success in mathematics? The case of fractions.  Journal of Teaching and Learning in Elementary Education 2(1), 79-90.

117. (with J. Bahn) Doing and investigating lesson study with the theory of didactical situations. In R. Huang, A. Takahashi and J. P. da Ponte (Eds), Theory and Practice of Lesson Study in Mathematics". An International Perspective (Springer), pp.  81-101.  

116. Questioning definitions at university: the case of Analysis.  Educaçao Matématica Pesquisa 21(4), 142-156.

115. (with Z. PutraA framework for a comparative study of pre-service elementary teachers’ knowledge of rational numbersEducaçao Matématica Pesquisa 21(4), 63-73.

114. (with T. MiyakawaParadidactic infrastructure for sharing and documenting mathematics teacher knowledge: a case study of “practice research” in Japan . Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education 22(3), 281-303.

113. (with Z. Putra)  Prospective elementary teachers’ knowledge of comparing decimals.  International Journal on Emerging Mathematics Education 3(1), 57-68.


112. (with K. Schmidt) Task design for engineering mathematics: process, principles and products.In V. Durand-Guerrier, R. Hochmuth, S. Goodchild & N.M Hogstad (Eds.),Proceedings of the Second Conference of the International Network for Didactic Research in University Mathematics, pp. 165-174,. Kristiansand, Norway: University of Agder and INDRUM.

111. (with M. Bosch, J. Gascón and I. Florensa)  Study and research paths: a new tool to design and manage project based learning in engineering education. International Journal of Engineering Education 34(6), 1848–1862.

110. (with J. Bahn and K. RasmussenTheorizing Lesson Study: Two related frameworks and two Danish case-studies. In: M. Quaresma, C. Winsløw, S. Clivaz, J. da Ponte, A. Ní Shúilleabháin, A. Takahashi (Eds)Mathematics Lesson Study around the World, pp. 123-142. Springer. 

109. Task Design for University Mathematics Education with a case from Engineering. In Kawazoe, M. (Ed.)  Proceedings of the International Workshop on Mathematics Education for Non-Mathematics Students Developing Advanced Mathematical Literacy, pp. 7-12. Tokyo: Kogakuin U.

108. (with E. Nardi). INDRUM2016 Special Issue Editorial. International Journal for Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education 4(1), 1-7.

107. (with M. Kondratieva) Klein's Plan B in the early teaching of Analysis: Two theoretical cases of exploring mathematical links. International Journal for Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education 4(1), 119-138.

106. (with G. GueudetR. Hochmut and E. Nardi) Research on University Mathematics Education. In: T. Dreyfus, M. Artigue, D. Potari, S. Prediger & K. Ruthven (Eds.), Developing research in mathematics education - twenty years of communication, cooperation and collaboration in Europe. Oxon, UK: Routledge - New Perspectives on Research in Mathematics Education series, Vol. 1, pp. 60-74.

105. (with M. MoslehianE. Størmer, and S. Thorbjørnsen). Uffe Haagerup - his life and mathematics. Advances in Operator Theory 3(1), 295-325.


104. (with M. KondratievaA praxeological approach to Klein’s plan B: cross-cutting from Calculus to Fourier Analysis. In: Dooley, T., & Gueudet, G. (Eds., 2017). Proceedings of the Tenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education, pp, 2145-2152. Dublin, Ireland: DCU Institute of Education and ERME.

103. (with D. Wijayanti) Mathematical Practice in Textbook Analysis: Praxeological Reference Models. The Case of Proportion. Journal of Research in Mathematics Education 6(3), 307-329.

102. ATD and other approaches to a classical problem posed by F. Klein. In G. Cirade,
M. Artaud, M. Bosch, J.-P. Bourgade, Y. Chevallard, C. Ladage, and T. Sierra (Eds), Évolutions contemporaines du rapport aux mathématiques et aux autres savoirs à l’école et dans la société. Actes du 4e congrès international sur la théorie anthropologique du didactique (TAD), pp. 69-92. Toulouse: Université Jean Jaurès.

101. (with K. Gravesen and N. Grønbæk) Task design for students’ work with basic theory in analysis: the cases of multidimensional differentiability and curve integrals. International Journal for Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education 3(1), 9-33.

100. Oral examinations in first year analysis: between tradition and innovation. In: R. Göller, R. Biehler, H. G. Rück and R. Hochmut (Eds), Didactics of Mathematics in Higher Education As a Scientific Discipline (Conf. Proceedings), pp. 397-403. Kassel: Universitätsbibliothek Kassel.


99. (with H. Ando and U. Haagerup) Ultraproducts, QWEP von Neumann algebras, and the Effros-Maréchal topology. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik 715, 231-250.

98. (with M. Bosch) Linking problem solving and mathematical contents: the challenge of sustainable study and research processes. Recherches en Didactique des Mathématiques 35 (3), 357-401.

97. Angles, trigonometric functions, and university level Analysis. In: E. Nardi, C. Winsløw and T. Hausberger (Eds), Proceedings of the First Conference of the International Network for Didactical Research on University Mathematics, pp. 163-172. Montpellier: University of Montpellier.

96. (with B. Jessen and T. Hoff Kjeldsen) Modelling: from theory to practice. In K. Krainer and N. Vondrová (Eds.), Proceedings of the Ninth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Educationpp. 876-882. Prague: European Society for Research in Mathematics Education.

95. (with N. Grønbæk) Media and millieus for complex numbers: an experiment with Maple based text. In K. Krainer and N. Vondrová (Eds.), Proceedings of the Ninth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education, pp. 2131-2137. Prague: European Society for Research in Mathematics Education.

94. (with F. Chellougi and H. Thi Thu) Language Diversity in Research on Language Diversity in Mathematics Education. In Barwell, R., Clarkson, P., Halai, A., Kazima, M., Moschkovich, J., Planas, N., Phakeng, M., Valero, P., Villavicencio Ubillús, M. (Eds.), Mathematics Education and Language Diversity, pp. 85-101. New York: Springer.

93. (with V. Durand-Guerrier, M. Kazima, P. Libbrecht, J. Ngansop, L. Salekhova, N. TuktamyshovChallenges and Opportunities for Second Language Learners in Undergraduate Mathematics. In Barwell, R., Clarkson, P., Halai, A., Kazima, M., Moschkovich, J., Planas, N., Phakeng, M., Valero, P., Villavicencio Ubillús, M. (Eds.), Mathematics Education and Language Diversity, pp. 263-277. New York: Springer.


92. Les compétences à la danoise et la recherche en didactique des mathématiques. In: D. Butlen et al. (eds), Rôles et places de la didactique et des didacticiens des mathématiques dans la société et dans le système éducatif, pp. 241-250. Grenoble: La Pensée Sauvage.

91. Mathematics at University: The anthropological approach. In S. J. Cho (Ed), Selected regular lectures from the 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education, pp. 859-875. Switzerland: Springer.

90. Mathematical analysis in high school: a fundamental dilemma. In: C. Bergsteen & B. Sriraman (Eds), Refractions of Mathematics Education: Festschrift for Eva Jablonka, pp. 197-213. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publ.


89. Mathematical analysis at university: Some dilemmas and possibilities. In R. Biehler, R. Hochmut, C. Hoyles and P. Thompson (Eds), Mathematics in Undergraduate Study Programs: Challenges for Research and for the Dialogue between Mathematics and Didactics of Mathematics, pp. 3111-3112. Oberwohlfach Reports 56/2014. Oberwohlfach: Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach.

88. (with B. Barquero, M. de Vleeschouwer and N. Hardy) An institutional approach to university mathematics education : from dual vector spaces to questioning the world. Research in Mathematics Education 16(2), 91-111.

87. (with E. Nardi, I. Biza, A. González-Martin and G. Gueudet) Institutional, sociocultural and discursive approaches to research in university mathematics education. Research in Mathematics Education 16(2), 91-94.

86. (with N. Grønbæk) Klein’s double discontinuity revisited: contemporary challenges for universities preparing teachers to teach calculus. Recherches en Didactique des Mathématiques 34 (1), 59-86.

85. (with E. Nardi, I. Biza, A. González-Martin and G. Gueudet) Remarks on (dis)connectivities across institutional, sociocultural and discursive approaches to research in university mathematics education. Proceedings of the British Society for Research into the Learning of Mathematics 34(1), 89-94.


84. The transition from university to high school and the case of exponential functions. In: Behiye Ubuz, Çiğdem Haser, Maria Alessandra Mariotti (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education, pp. 2476-2485.

83. Parcours d’étude et de recherche: état et directions d’un programme de recherche. In A. Bronner et al. (Eds), Questions vives en didactique des mathématiques : problèmes de la profession d’enseignement, role du language, pp. 635-640. Grenoble : La Pensée Sauvage.

82. (with T. Miyakawa) Developing mathematics teacher knowledge: the paradidactic infrastructure of “open lesson” in Japan. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education 16, 185-209.

81. (with Y. Matheron and A. Mercier) Study and research courses as an epistemological model for didactics. Educational Studies in Mathematics 83 (2), 267-284.

80. (with K. Rasmussen) Didactic codetermination in the creation of an integrated math and science teacher education: the case of mathematics and geography. In: Behiye Ubuz, Çiğdem Haser, Maria Alessandra Mariotti (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8thCongress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education, pp. 3206-3215.


79. Recherche et étude en mathématiques supérieures. In J.-L. Dorier et S. Coutat (Eds), Enseignement des mathématiques et contrat social - Enjeux et défis pour le 21ème siècle. Actes du colloque EMF 2012, pp. 1044-1052. Genève : Université de Genève, ISBN 978-2-8399-1115-3.

78. (with A. González-Martin, G. Gueudet, P. Ianone and E. Nardi) CERME7 Working Group 14: University mathematics education. Research in Mathematics Education 14 (2), 209-210.


77. (with E. Gyöngyösi and J. P. Solovej) Using CAS based work to ease the transition from calculus to real analysis. In M Pytlak, E Swoboda & T Rowland (Eds), Proceedings of the seventh congress of the European society for research in mathematics education European Society for Research in Mathematics Education, pp. 2002-2011. Rzeszow: University of Rzeszow.

76. (with B. Jessen) Research and study course diagrams as an analytic tool: the case of bidisciplinary projects combining mathematics and history. In M. Bosch Casabo, J. Gascón, A. Ruiz Olarría, M. Artaud, A. Bronner, Y. Chevallard, G. Cirade, C. Ladage & M. Larguier (Eds) , Un panorama de la TAD, pp. 685-694. Barcelona : Centre de Recerca Matemàtica.

75. (with T. Miyakawa) Japanese “open lessons” as institutional context for developing mathematics teacher knowledge. In M. Bosch Casabo, J. Gascón, A. Ruiz Olarría, M. Artaud, A. Bronner, Y. Chevallard, G. Cirade, C. Ladage & M. Larguier (Eds) , Un panorama de la TAD, pp. 405-414. Barcelona : Centre de Recerca Matemàtica.

74. Anthropological theory of didactic phenomena: some examples and principles of its use in the study of mathematics education. In M. Bosch Casabo, J. Gascón, A. Ruiz Olarría, M. Artaud, A. Bronner, Y. Chevallard, G. Cirade, C. Ladage & M. Larguier (Eds) , Un panorama de la TAD, pp. 117-140. Barcelona : Centre de Recerca Matemàtica.

73. A comparative perspective on teacher collaboration: the cases of lesson study in Japan and of multidisciplinary teaching in Denmark. In: G. Gueudet, B. Pepin and L. Trouche (Eds), Mathematics curriculum material and teacher documentation: from textbooks to shared living resources, pp. 291-304. New York: Springer.

72. Language components in mathematical education and research on didactics of mathematics. In: M. Setati, T. Nkambule & L. Goosed (Eds), Proceesings of the ICMI Study 21 Conference: Mathematics Education and Language Diversity, 16-20 Sept. 2011, São Paulo, Brazil (ISBN: 978-1-86888-682-1), pp. 456-464. Durban: University of South Africa and International Commission on Mathematical Instruction.

71. Matematiklærerprofessionen i et institutionelt perspektiv. I: M. Andresen (red.), Viden om lærere – lærerviden, pp. 88-111. København: Forlaget NAVIMAT.

70. Didactics – the missing link between mathematics and education. Guest editorial, CULMS newsletter no. 3 (2011), 1-4.

69. (with M. Artigue) L’enseignement des mathématiques dans une perspective internationale: d’évaluations vers la recherche. In A. Kuzniak & M. Sokhna (Eds), Enseignement des mathématiques et développement: enjeux de société et de formation. Actes du Colloque Espace Mathématique Francophone. Revue Internationale Francophone Numéro Spécial 2010, 48-63. ISSN 0850 - 4806.

68. (with N. Grønbæk) Temaopgaver i matematik. I F. Voetmann Christiansen (Ed), Forskningsbaseret undervisning – realiteter og potentialer, pp. 35-47. Institut for Naturfagenes Didaktik. Skriftserie nr. 21.

67. (with L. M. Madsen). Forskningsbasering på universiteterne - forskelle og sammenhænge i praksis. I F. Voetmann Christiansen (Ed), Forskningsbaseret undervisning – realiteter og potentialer, pp. 13-22. Institut for Naturfagenes Didaktik. Skriftserie nr. 21.


66. (with V. Durand-Guerrier and H. Yoshida) A model of mathematics teacher knowledge and a comparative study in Denmark, France and Japan. Annales de Didactique et de Sciences Cognitives 15, 141-166.

65. Produire l’enseignement: entre individuel et collectif. In: G. Gueudet & L. Trouche (Eds), Ressources vives, le travail documentaire des professeurs, le cas des mathématiques, pp. 111-128. Presses Universitaires de Rennes and Institut National de Recherche Pédagogique.

64. Comparing theoretical frameworks in didactics of mathematics: the GOA-model. In V. Durand-Guerrier, S. Soury-Laverge & F. Arzarello (Eds), Proceedings of the Sixth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (ISBN 978-2-7342-1190-7), pp. 1675-1684. INRP: Lyon 2010.

63.(with M. Artigue) International comparative studies on mathematics education : a viewpoint from the anthropological theory of didactics. Recherches en Didactique des Mathématiques 30 vol 1, 47-82.


62. Recherche et enseignement universitaire en mathématiques, interactions actuelles et possibles. In C. Ouvrier-Buffet & M.J. Perrin-Glorian (eds.) Approches plurielles en didactique des mathématiques pp. 59-67. Paris : Laboratoire de didactique André Revuz.

61. (with T. Miyakawa) Didactical designs for students' proportional reasoning: An "open approach" lesson and a "fundamental situation". Educational Studies in Mathematics 72 (2), 199-218.

60. (with T. Miyakawa) Étude collective d’une leçon: un dispositif japonais pour la recherche en didactique des mathématiques. In I. Bloch & F. Conne (Eds), Nouvelles perspectives en didactique des Mathématiques (proceedings of the XIVth summer school of ARDM, cd-rom), 17 pp. Grenoble: La Pensée Sauvage Éditions.

59. (with L. M. Madsen) Relations between teaching and research in physical geography and mathematics at research intensive universities. International Journal of Science and Mathematics, Education 7 (2009), 741-763.

58. (with T. Miyakawa) Un dispositif japonais pour le travail en équipe d’enseignants : étude collective d’une leçon. Education & Didactique vol. 3 no. 1, 77-90.

57. Nordic research in mathematics education: from NORMA08 to the future. In C. Winsløw (ed.), Nordic Research in Mathematics Education. Proceedings from NORMA08 in Copenhagen, April 21-April 25, 2008 (pp.1-6). Rotterdam/Boston/Taipei: Sense Publishers, 2009.

56. (first author, with C. Bergsten, D. Butlen, M. David, P. Gómez, B. Grevholm, S. Li, P. Moreira, N. Robinson, N. Sayac, J. Schwille, T. Tatto, A. White & T. Wood) First years of teaching. In R. Evens and D. Ball (eds), The Professional Education and Development of Teachers of Mathematics, pp. 93-101. New York: Springer US. ISBN 978-0-387-09600-1.
Note: Also co-author on the following chapters in the same volume: ‘Components of mathematics teacher training’ (pp. 25-33) and ‘Studying Student Teachers’ Voices and Their Beliefs and Attitudes’ (pp. 73-82).

55. (with N. Grønbæk and M. Misfeldt) Assessment and contract-like relationships in undergraduate mathematics education. In O. Skovsmose et al. (eds), University science and Mathematics Education. Challenges and possibilities, pp. 85-108. New York: Springer Science. ISBN 978-0-387-09828-9.

54. (with C. Rump) The role and means for tertiary didactics in a faculty of science. In O. Skovsmose et al. (eds), University science and Mathematics Education. Challenges and possibilities pp. 241-260. New York: Springer Science. ISBN 978-0-387-09828-9.

53. Et mysterium om tal – og japanske lektionsstudier. MONA 2009-1, pp. 31-43.


52. Mellem matematik og didaktik. In T. Wedege (red.), Identitet og forskning: ni essays om at blive matematikdidaktisk forsker, pp. 111-130. København: Nationalt Videncenter for Matematikdidaktik, Forlag UCC. ISBN 978-87-92397-00-3.

51. Les problèmes de transition dans l’enseignement de l’analyse : Quelques apports des approches diverses de la didactique. In N. Bednarz & C. Mary (Eds.), L'enseignement des mathématiques face aux défis de l'école et des communautés. Actes du colloque Espace mathématique francophone 2006 (10 pp). Sherbrooke : Éditions du CRP.

50. (with L. M. Madsen) Interplay between research and teaching from the perspective of mathematicians. In D. Pitta-Pantazi & G. Philippou (Eds), Proceedings of the Fifth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education, pp. 2379-2388 (ISBN - 978-9963-671-25-0). Larnaca: University of Cyprus.

49. Transformer la théorie en tâches : la transition du concret à l’abstrait en analyse réelle. In A. Rouchier & I. Bloch (Eds) Actes de la XIIIème école d’été en didactique des mathématiques (14pp). Grenoble : Éditions La Pensée Sauvage.


48. (with N. Grønbæk) Developing and assessing specific competencies in a first course on real analysis. In F. Hitt, G. Harel, & A. Selden (Eds.), Research in collegiate
mathematics education VI, pp. 99-138. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society.

47. (with L. M. Madsen) GIS as an artefact in geography education: some future challenges. In S. Catling & L. Taylor (Eds.), Proceedings of the London Conference: Changing geographies: innovative curricula, pp. 207-212. Herodot and International Geographical Union, Commission for Geographical Education.

46. L’usage des logiciels dans l’enseignement supérieur des mathématiques : un panorama des questions du point de vue de la sémiotique. In F. Conne & R. Floris (ed.), Environnements informatiques, enjeux pour l’enseignement des mathématiques. Intégrer des artefacts complexes, en faire des instruments au service de l’apprentissage, pp. 39-60. Bruxelles : DeBoeck,

45. (with V. Durand Guerrier) Education of lower secondary mathematics teachers in Denmark and France: A comparative study of characteristics of the systems and their products. Nordic Studies in Mathematics education vol. 12 no. 2 (2007), 5-32.

44. (with N. Grønbæk) Thematic projects: a format to further and assess advanced student work in undergraduate mathematics. Recherche en didactique des mathématiques 27 (2), 187-220.

43. Les problèmes de transition dans l’enseignement de l’analyse et la complémentarité des approches diverses de la didactique. Annales de didactique et de sciences cognitives 12 189-204.

42. Didactics of mathematics: an epistemological approach to mathematics education. The Curriculum Journal 18 no. 4 (2007), 523-536.

41. (with R. Evans) Fundamental situations in teaching biology: The case of parthenogenesis. NORDINA, Nordic Studies in Science Education 2007/2, 132-145.


40. (with H. Emori) Comparative research on secondary mathematics education: a semiotic approach. In K.-D. Graf et al. (eds.), Mathematics education in different cultural traditions: A comparative study of East Asia and the West, pp. 553-566. Berlin: Springer, 2006.

39. Didaktiske miljøer for ligedannethed. MONA 2 (2006), 47-62.

38. Research and development of university level teaching: the interaction of didactical and mathematical organisations. In: M. Bosch (ed.) European Research in Mathematics Education IV. Proceedings of the Fourth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education, pp. 1821-1830. Barcelona: Universitat Ramon Llull.

37. What do research mathematicians know about coming to know mathematics ? Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education 9 (2006), 507-515.


36. Définir les objectifs de l’enseignement mathématique : La dialectique matières-compétences. Annales de didactique et des sciences cognitives 10 (2005), 131-156.

35. (with N. Grønbæk): En ny ramme om studier og eksamen i teoretisk matematik. I: Vurdering i matematikk - hvorfor og hvordan? Fra småskole til voksenopplæring, Konferanserapport pp. 197-204. Trondheim: Nasjonalt Senter for Matematikk i Opplæringen, NTNU. ISBN 82-471-6032-3.

34. Logiciels symboliques dans l’enseignement de la première année de l’université : potentiels et problèmes. I: Mercier A. & Margolinas C. (Eds.), Balises pour la didactique des mathématiques, Cédérom (4 pp.) Grenoble: La Pensée Sauvage Editions.

33. Two dimensions in the conception of mathematics in tertiary education. I: Bergsten, C. & Grevholm, B. (Eds), Conceptions of mathematics. Proceedings of NORMA 01, The 3rd Nordic Conference on Mathematics Education, pp. 250-258. Linköping: SMDF.


32. Quadratics in Japanese. Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education 9 vol. 1 (2004), 51-74.

31. Hvad skal vi med matematikdidaktikken? In K. Schnack (ed.) Didaktik på kryds og tværs, pp. 325-344. Copenhagen: Danish U. of Education Press.

30. (with Peter Weng): The Nordic countries in international comparisons. In B. Dahl Sørensen et al. (eds.), Mathematics education – the Nordic way, pp. 95-98. Trondheim: NTNU.

29. Semiotics as an analytic tool for the didactics of mathematics. Nordic studies in Mathematics Education 9 vol. 2 (2004), 81-100.


28. Semiotic and discursive variables in CAS-based didactical engineering. Educational Studies in Mathematics 52, 271-288.

27. (with N. Grønbæk) Competencies, version ground floor. In J. Carter et. al. (eds) If reform of university science education is the answer – what were the questions? 37-50. Center of Science Education, Copenhagen (ISSN 1602-2149).


26. Semiotic analysis of Dreyfus’ potential in first-year Calculus. Proc. of the 26th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, vol. 4, 410-417. Norwich, UEA, UK, 2002.

25. (with H. Emori) Elements of a semiotic analysis of the secondary level classroom in Japan. In: ICMI comparative study conference preproceedings, pp.87-96. The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, ISBN 962-8093.68-1.


24. Aspects linguistiques de l'Epistémologie et de l'Éducation mathématique. In: P. Radelet-de Grave (ed.), Histoire et épistémologie dans l’éducation mathématique de la maternelle à l’université, vol. 1, pp. 407-421. UCL Louvain, Belgien, 2001.


23. Coherence in theories relating mathematics and language. Humanistic Mathematics Network Journal 22 (2000), 32-40.

22. Between constructivism and Platonism: Is there a mathematics acquisition device? For the Learning of Mathematics 20 vol. 3 (2000), 12-22.

21. (with U. Haagerup) The Effros-Maréchal topology on the space of von Neumann algebras, II. Journal of Functional Analysis 171 (2000), 401-431.

20. Linguistic aspects of computer algebra systems in higher mathematics education. In: T. Nakahara et. al. (eds.), Proc. of the 24th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, vol. 4, pp.281-288. HiroshimaUniversity, 2000.

19. Transformations in Mathematical Discourse. In: B. Barton (ed.), Communication and language in mathematics education. The Preconference publication of WGA9 at the 9th International Congress on Mathematical Education, pp. 93-102. MEU Ser. no. 2, University of Auckland, 2000.


18. Kyouiku ni okeru suugaku wo komyunikeshion no houhou to shite seito ga suru koto ni tsuite (in Japanese). Joetsu Journal of Mathematics Education 14 (1999), 181-189.

17. A mathematics analogue of Chomsky's language acquisition device. Proceedings of the 23rd conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (ed. O. Zaslavsky), vol. 4, pp. 329-336. Technion, Haifa, Israel, 1999.


16. A linguistic approach to the justification problem in mathematics education. For the learning of mathematics, 18:1 (1998), 17-23.

15. A topology in the semigroup of endomorphisms of a von Neumann algebra. Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 50, no.1 (1998), 169-178

14. (with U. Haagerup) The Effros-Maréchal topology on the space of von Neumann algebras. American Journal of Mathematics 120 (1998), 567-617.

13. Justifying mathematics as a means to communicate. In: Justification and Enrolment problems in Education involving Mathematics or Physics (eds. J. Jensen, M. Niss, T. Wedege), pp. 56-66, Roskilde University Press, 1998.

12. Matematikkens sproglighed som didaktisk potentiale. Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education 6 no. 2 (1998), 29-40.

11. Endomorphisms, automorphisms and subfactors of von Neumann algebras. Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society 13 (1998), 25-36


10. Classification of strongly amenable subfactors of type III0. Journal of Functional Analysis 148, vol. 2 (1997), 296-313.

9. Global structure in the semigroup of endomorphisms on a von Neumann algebra, Journal of Operator Theory 37 (1997), 341-356.

8. A case study of mathematical semiosis. Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal 10 (1997).

7. Introduction to Effros-Maréchal topology. In: Proceedings of the 32th functional analysis symposium in Koinomachi, 26-27/8 1997 (ed. H. Osaka; in Japanese), pp. 31-38.


6. Crossed products of II1-subfactors by strongly outer actions. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 347 (1995), 985-991.

5. The flow of weights in subfactor theory. Publications of the Research Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto 30 (1995), 519-532.


4. The fundamental homomorphism in subfactor theory. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Tokyo. (Printed in the report series of the Department of Mathematics, University of Copenhagen, 1994, no. 1.)

3. Approximately inner automorphisms on inclusions of type IIIλ -factors. Pacific Journal of Mathematics 166 (1994), 385-400.

2. Automorphisms on an inclusion of factors. In: Subfactors, ed. H. Araki et al., pp. 139-152, World Scientific 1994.


1. Strongly free actions on subfactors. International Journal of Mathematics 4 (1993), 675-688.

Books and Special Issues

A. Didactics of mathematics – the french way (edited booklet). Center for Naturfagenes Didaktik, Text no. 15, 2005. ISSN 1602-2149.

B. Didaktiske elementer – en indføring i matematikkens og naturfagenes didaktik. Lærebog, udkommet på forlaget Biofolia, april 2006. [Elements of didactics – an introduction to the didactics of mathematics and science. Textbook, in Danish, Biofolia, 2006]

C. Nordic Presentations. Proceedings of the section “Nordic Presentations” at ICME 10, July 12, 2004 in Copenhagen (Denmark). Edited by Erkki Pekhonen, Gerd Brandell and Carl Winsløw. Helsinki: Department of Applied Sciences of Education, University of Helsinki, 2006.

D. Nordic Research in Mathematics Education. Proceedings from NORMA08 in Copenhagen, April 21-April 25, 2008. Rotterdam/Boston/Taipei: Sense Publishers, 2009 (416 pp.)

E. Didactics as Design Science – peer reviewed papers from a Ph.D.-course at the University of Copenhagen. Edited by Carl Winsløw and Robert Evans. Institut for Naturfagenes Didaktik, Skriftserie no. 18 2010. ISSN 1602-2149.

F. The anthropological theory of the didactical (ATD). Peer reviewed papers from a PhD-course. Edited by Marianne Mortensen and Carl Winsløw. Institut for Naturfagenes Didaktik, Skriftserie no. 20, 2011. ISSN 1602-2149. [For sale at]

G. Institutional, sociocultural and discursive approaches to research in university mathematics educationEdited by Elena Nardi, Irene Biza, Alejandro S. González-Martín , Ghislaine Gueudet and Carl Winsløw. Reserach in Mathematics Education 16(2).

H. Mathematics and Science: The relationships and disconnections between research and education - Papers from a doctoral course at the University of Copenhagen. Edited by Marianne Achiam and Carl Winsløw. Institut for Naturfagenes Didaktik, Skriftserie no. 39, 2015. ISSN 1602-2149. [For sale at]

I. Proceedings of the First Conference of the International Network for Didactical Research on University Mathematics. Edited by Elena Nardi, Carl Winsløw and Thomas Hausberger (534 pp.). Montpellier: Université de Montpelier, 2016. ISSN 2496-1027.

J. Educational design in math and science: The collective aspect. Edited by Marianne Achiam and Carl Winsløw. Institut for Naturfagenes Didaktik, Skriftserie no. 46, 2016. ISSN 1602-2149. [For sale at]

K. Enjeux et débats en didactique des mathématiques: XVIIIe école d’été de didactique des mathématiques Brest (Bretagne). Edited by Yves Matheron, Ghislaine Gueudet, Valentina Celi, Charlotte Derouet, Dominique Forest, Mariza Krysinska, Serge Quilio, Marc Rogalski, Tomás Ángel Sierra, Luc Trouche, Carl Winsløw and Sylvaine Besnier. Éditions La Pensée Sauvage, Grenoble, 2016.

L. Special Issue: Select Papers from the First International Network for Didactic Research in University Mathematics (INDRUM) conference. Edited by Elena Nardi and Carl Winsløw. International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, vol. 4, no. 1, 2018.

M. Mathematics Lesson Study Around the World: Theoretical and Methodological Issues. Edited by Marisa Quaresma, Carl Winsløw, Stéphane Clivaz, João Pedro da Ponte, Aoibhinn Ní Shúilleabháin and Akihiko Takahashi. ICME-13 Monographs book series. Springer, 2018.

N. Undersøgelsesbaseret matematikundervising - en introduktion til inspiration. Preface and editing by Britta Jessen, Jeanette Axelsen and Carl Winsløw. Udgivet af UVM og MERIA på Matematiklærerforeningens Forlag, 2019.

O. V. Durand-Guerrier, R. Hochmuth , E. Nardi and C. Winsløw (Eds.), Research and Development in University Mathematics Education. Routledge, 2021.

P. R. Biehler, M, Liebendörfer, G. Gueudet, C. Rasmussen, C. Winsløw (Eds). Practice Oriented Research in Tertiary Mathematics Education. Springer, 2022.