Creating a community of practitioners: Sharing insights and findings from a crowdsourced book on interdisciplinary practices in higher education

Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference abstract for conferenceResearchpeer-review

For the past 6 months, we - a group of four researchers in the field of inter- and transdisciplinary research and education - have been crowdsourcing knowledge and experiences for a book on interdisciplinary practices in higher education. The book currently consists of eight cases focusing on different aspects and challenges of creating interdisciplinary education, collaboration and research. On each of these cases, three experts e.g. practitioners and researchers share their individual reflections and comments on the case. At the end of each chapter, the reflections are integrated and discussed in a final section. So far, over 40 people have been involved in the process, as case authors, experts or as reviewers.

In this presentation, we share insights and findings from the cases and commentaries as well from the process of crowdsourcing and collecting experiences and reflections on local, everyday practices of interdisciplinary education and collaboration. We address the potentials for using a book project to develop a community of interdisciplinary practitioners that cut across national, institutional and cultural borders. We end with a discussion of ways to sustain and further facilitate such a network, even beyond the publication and end of the book project.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2023
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2023
EventInterdisciplinary Learning and Teaching Conference - Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford, United Kingdom
Duration: 20 Apr 202320 Apr 2023


ConferenceInterdisciplinary Learning and Teaching Conference
LocationAnglia Ruskin University
CountryUnited Kingdom
Internet address

ID: 387263679