The scope of techniques: a fundamental concept for curriculum analysis


Prof. Hamid Chaachoua, University of Grenoble


In the Anthropological Theory of Didactics, the notion of the scope of techniques was introduced at the beginning in the praxeological model (Chevallard, 1999) but little used in research work. Based on this notion we introduce three types of scope (theoretical, pragmatic and institutional) and the notion of competition between techniques (Kaspary et al., 2020).  

We will illustrate an example of exploitation of these notions to illustrate analysis of a curriculum but from a dynamic point of view. For us, understanding the dynamics of a curriculum makes it possible to understand the difficulties and certain errors in the practices of both students and teachers subject to this curriculum. For this, we rely on a case study: the equations of the second degree in France.


Chevallard, Y. (1999) L’analyse des pratiques enseignantes en théorie anthropologique du didactique. Recherches en didactique de mathématiques, 19 (2). Grenoble : La Pensée Sauvage. 221-265.

Kaspary, D., Chaachoua, H., Bessot, A. (2020) Qu’apporte la notion de portée d’une technique à l’étude de la dynamique praxéologique ? Annales de didactique et sciences cognitives. To appear in no. 25.

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