Facilitating peer learning in study groups: student experiences

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Lene Møller Madsen - Foredragsholder

In 2008 University of Aarhus, Denmark, issued a report concerning student experience with the study environment. Among the university's eight faculties, the Danish School of Education (DPU) held the sad record of having the lowest student well-being. This led to an action research project 'Facilitating study environment' at one of DPU's educations in spring 2009. The pilot project consisted of three elements: Facilitated study groups, a student bar with facilitated activities, and academic identity events. Subsequently, we have studied students' experiences with the project. This paper outlines the preliminary results from the facilitated study groups. After one term (February-May), student satisfaction with both the social and the disciplinary environment had increased. The project shows how academic and social integration can be achieved with minimum faculty member involvement. This is done by relying on the students' own resources, using peer-learning and facilitating these activities.
8 dec. 2009

Begivenhed (Konference)

TitelFacilitating peer learning in study groups: student experiences
EmneSRHE annual conference 2009: Challenging higher education: knowledge, policy and practice
ByNewport, South Wales

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