Incubating incubators: can a business be created through a project-based planning approach?

Publikation: KonferencebidragPaperForskningfagfællebedømt

Setting up business incubators has become and industry in its own right. In this article, we return to incubator development studies but focus on the specific process through which involved stakeholders develop the new organization that should deliver services to future incubatees and become a self-sustaining, dynamic business. In particular, we raise the question of how incubators should be set-up with regard to the context-dependent balance between business planning and venture creation approaches. We illustrate this challenge through providing insight into a case of a project-based and mainly planning-oriented business incubator program in Africa. Insights gained suggest that there is a need for more balanced approaches to establishing incubators, especially when environments are uncertain and the goals of business incubation are not yet clear. We finish our conceptual article with a set of propositions to inspire further research on incubator development processes.
Publikationsdato24 okt. 2014
Antal sider15
StatusUdgivet - 24 okt. 2014
BegivenhedInternational Research Conference on Technology Business Incubation Mechanisms and Sustainable Regional Development - Toulouse Business School, Toulouse, Frankrig
Varighed: 23 okt. 201423 okt. 2014


KonferenceInternational Research Conference on Technology Business Incubation Mechanisms and Sustainable Regional Development
LokationToulouse Business School


  • Ulande og økonomi - Business incubator, Project management, entrepreneurship, Venture creation, Business planning

ID: 125967131