Contributions of Jugyou Kenkyuu And Didactic Engineering for the Education and Professional Development of Math Teachers: the case of Supervised Curricular Stage


Aluska M. Dias, Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil


This project is a research proposal that is being developed in the doctorate, and has as general objective to research the elaboration of a teacher education process, adapted to the Brazilian institutional context, in which characteristics of Jugyou Kenkyuu/Lesson Study and of Didactic Engineering are incorporated to foster the professional development of teacher education in relation to the field of Quantities and Measures. Collaborative LS has been achieving positive results in several places in the world, and involves three to four phases: lesson planning, research-lesson, reflect phase, and in some cases the revision of the lesson plan. It can be used with teachers and/or pre-service teachers. The theoretical framework of Mathematics Didactics implies, in a way, the need to choose a field and to study the conceptual questions related to this field. Then, the field of Quantities and Measures was chosen for its potential to connect with social practices, other Mathematics contents as well as with other disciplines. Thus, the presentation will touch on the education of Mathematics teachers, the LS process and a brief literature review of the relation between these and Didactic Engineering, and the teaching of Quantities and Measures. The research methodology follows the paths of Didactic Engineering. Partial results from two data collections will also be presented. Finally, some questions arise about the challenges and contributions to the elaboration of this new teacher education process.