How can you spot a computational thinker?

INDsigt HYBRID ved Fridtjof Ronge Gjengset, IND, KU
Sprog: Oplægget holdes på dansk/norsk.
Language: The presentation will be in Danish/Norwegian. 

Fridthof Ronge GjengsetIn 2006, Jeannette Wing conceptualized computational thinking as the ability to “think like a computer scientist” and eloquently argued that it offered a skillset valuable to students far beyond computer science. Fast forward to 2023, computational thinking is a mandatory part of curricula worldwide. In Denmark, this movement to modernize primary school science education comes in the form of “teknologiforståelse,” where computational thinking is a prominent part. But what is computational thinking? How is it different from scientific, mathematical, or logical thinking? And how can we help students think computationally? After all, you can't see what students think. Or can you?

In this seminar, I will draw on my PhD project in embodied STEM education to show how thinking often happens outside of the brain. I will also give a brief introduction to what computational thinking is. In a joint discussion, we will then explore how students' thinking might manifest in observable practices, and how this can help us improve instruction in primary school. Together, we will also discuss how these ideas might help us in the task of teaching teknologiforståelse and computational thinking.

Se også IND's nyhed om Fridtjof og hans ph.d.-projekt.

FORMAT: HYBRID. Fysisk fremmøde på Institut for Naturfagenes Didaktik, Rådmandsgade 64, 2200 Kbh N, eller online i Zoom. 
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