Learning Analytics Research Symposium

The symposium will be held on the 21st-22nd of November 2018 at the Department of Science Education in Copenhagen. With this symposium we invite researchers to discuss learning analytics as relevant in a Danish and a Nordic context. We hope to inspire theoretical discussions and joint research projects and funding applications. Our idea of a symposium is somewhere between the formal and the informal gathering to exchange ideas.

Learning Analytics is a growing research area within educational research, which deals the analysis of large and/or multifaceted data sets to understand learning. The promise of Learning Analytics is to use the growing amount of data that either is or can be collected and stored about how people act in educational systems to produce fundamentally new knowledge about teaching and learning. Large and multifaceted data sets have in - for example, medical research - helped researchers find patterns and produce knowledge that has ultimately saved lives. In education, analysis of these kinds of data sets may help design, implement, and evaluate different strategies for teaching and learning, which can help make educational systems better. However, as researchers, we need to couple the analyses with sound learning theoretical bases and existing educational knowledge to provide focus in the emerging jungle of data.

The idea with this symposium is that participants discuss ideas and projects in a semi-structured and semi-free way. Hopefully, this will initiate contacts between researchers to enable constructive feedback on work in progress and joint research projects.











As preparation all participants and organizers complete the Learning Analytics Research Symposium Survey. We will use the answers to find out what our interests are and try out different ways of matching based on that. Also, we encourage you to upload "your favorite figure from Learning Analytics". We will use this in the exhibition on Tuesday.

Fill in the Learning Analytics Research Symposium Survey (now closed)

Program Wednesday

9-12 Matching Expectations

  • Introduction
  • Break into groups
  • Group discussion: Important questions
  • Plenary: Presentation of questions
  • Plenary discussion: Important questions
  • Plenary activity: Possible outcomes of the symposium

12-13:30 Lunch (Organizers: 13:00-13:30 Set up groups for later item)

13:30-18 Cross Pollination: Possibilities for future collaborations

  • Introduction to session
  • Group work: Brainstorm on how to for address questions/methodological issues
  • Pairs: Walk and talk
  • Plenary activity: Grouping the brainstorm
  • Individual: Pick and write

20-?? Dinner

Program Thursday

9-12 Finding future initiatives

  • Introduction to session
  • Break into groups
  • Group work: Clustering of written work
  • Plenary: Present clusters
  • Group work: Align clusters with ideas for outcomes
  • Plenary: Present alignments
  • Networking session: Discuss future inititatives

12-13 Lunch

13:30-?? What does it all mean

An exhibition of the learning analytics figures provided by the participants. The idea is to discuss what these figures or results can help us understand.

Possible dinner initiative among participants.



Sign up for the Learning Analytics Research Symposium (now closed).