30. marts 2020

Assessing Student Conceptions with Network Theory

Investigating Student Conceptions in the Force Concept Inventory Using MAMCR

Assessing Student Conceptions with Network Theory [PDF 12MB]

IND's studenterserie nr. 88, 2020.  Bachelorprojekt. Fysik.

Karen A. Voigt, 2017.

Vejleder: Jesper Bruun


New methods for assessing student conceptions in the Force Concept Inventory which also take the relation aspect of response patterns into account is called for. In Brewe, Bruun, and Bearden, 2016, the authors present a method called Module Analysis for Multiple Choice Responses and apply it to the FCI which produces modules that can be interpreted as student conceptions. However, the analysis presented in Brewe et al., 2016 requires the removal of all correct response items from the data in order to detect a modular solution. In this project, an investigation of whether the MAMCR can meaningfully include more items, possibly all, and evaluate the method on a large cohort of student responses. The analysis yielded a modular structure with acceptable modularity, yet the modules seems very centred around certain response items in a way that indicates some items obscures the analysis. Using an extended method proposed by Priemer, Linder, and Bruun, [2017], the analysis is repeated, and the method is evaluated once more. This extended procedure yielded a very strong modular solution which was chosen for further analysis.
