4. marts 2021

Effekten og brugen af narrative læringsspil og simuleringer i gymnasiet

Effekten og brugen af narrative læringsspil og simuleringer i gymnasiet [3.9 MB]

IND's studenterserie nr. 93, 2020.  Specialerapport. Fysikdidaktik.

Jesper Hansen

Vejleder: Jesper Bruun


This case study covers the development, testing and analysis of a teaching module with physics teachers and students at the C-level in the danish upper secondary school as the target group. The teaching module is developed with a combination of the following parts of the didatic litterature: Inquiry Based Science Education (IBSE), Scenario Didactics and digital games as an educational tool. Using a nuclear power plant simulator embedded in a Twine-story, three groups of students were monitored during the teaching module. Three levels of network analysis ranging from a classroom perspective of the learning situation to the student interaction with the simulation exercise was carried out. The network analysis shows signs of development and training of 21st century skills as well as classic scientific skills such as formation of hypotheses. Along with semi-structered interviews of the participating students and their teacher, this study finds, that the intention of creating a narrative interactive and inquiry based teaching module, which stimulates development of necessary science skills using a digital simulation model, can be realized.
