25. maj 2021

“Super Yeast” - The motivational potential of an inquiry-based experimental exercise

“Super Yeast” - The motivational potential of an inquiry-based experimental exercise [3.1 MB]

IND's studenterserie nr. 95, 2021.  Bachelorprojekt. Biologi.

Caroline Woergaard Gram

Vejleder: Robert Harry Evans


A key theme in the educational research is the motivational and learning potential of Inquiry-based Science Education and the challenges in implementation the educational method in the science subjects. Additionally, motivational research and theories states that the external regulation often used in education often diminish student motivation and well-being with negative influence on their learning outcome and academic achievement. To investigate the motivational potential of inquiry-based experimental work in biology, an existing instructional learning material was redeveloped following the structure of the 6F model. The developed module was taught in 6 different classes in 3 different gymnasiums in the Copenhagen area in the months of November and December 2020. Student responses to the content and learning activities of the developed module were collected using an online Survey and interviews. The responses of the students were analysed using qualitative content analysis and the central concepts of the Self-Determination Theory. Student responses revealed that it is possible to influence the way students are motivated through the facilitation of the learning activities. Moreover, findings suggested that students’ motivation to engage in experimental work could be positively influenced by giving students a choice, using a problem to contextualize the experiments and through social interactions. Based on the findings the 6F model was found to positive influence students’ motivation as well as having a potential of changing students’ perceptions of experimental work in biology.