16. juli 2021

Er der nogen, som har spurgt en fysiklærer?

Er der nogen, som har spurgt en fysiklærer? - Om organiseringen af efteruddannelse i folkeskolen og gymnasiet [1.8 MB]

IND's studenterserie nr. 99. Masterafhandling - Master i scienceundervisning.

Bente Guldbrandsen, 2021.

Vejleder: Helle Mathiasen


With the aim to strengthen motivation and learning of science among children and youth, new strategies for professional development of science teachers have been contemplated and introduced within the last two decades. This thesis examines and compares practices and organisation of continuing education for physics teachers and science teachers in general across lower secondary education and upper secondary education. The research theme is investigated in a theoretical framework outlining trends in strategic school development, research in science education and criteria for teacher professional development. It is shown that researchers, consultants and strategy group recommend locally developed science strategies, science cultures, capacity building, professional learning communities, resource persons and networks. Additionally, recommendations include development of competency oriented and integrated science teaching. The research question is examined in a mixed-method empirical design, triangulating data from existing quantitative and qualitative studies with findings from three semi-structured interviews conducted within this project. Thematic analysis of interviews with physics teachers from lower secondary school, teacher education and upper secondary school illuminate perspectives from the practitioners that are not often voiced by research. The empirical findings suggest that practise at the lower secondary level is characterised by top-down decisions, local strategies and learning communities and that the trend in continuing education is local development with integrated science content. Further, the empirical findings indicate that practise at the upper secondary level to a higher degree is characterised by bottom-up decisions and teacher autonomy and that continuing education is nationally coordinated and subject-divided. In conclusion, the thesis outline three perspectives which prompts caution for balancing the implementation of strategies for future practise with support for existing practise: 1) local capacity building may challenge the individual teacher autonomy, 2) competence oriented and integrated science teaching may challenge the monodisciplinary continuing education, and 3) altered financial mechanisms for supply and demand may challenge existing practices.
