3. august 2021

Formativt potentiale og udbytte i Structured Assessment Dialogue

Formativt potentiale og udbytte i Structured Assessment Dialogue [4.4 MB]

IND's studenterserie nr. 103. Masterafhandling - Master i scienceundervisning

Kasper Rytter Falster Dethlefsen, 2021.

Vejleder: Jesper Bruun


Structured Assessment Dialogue, SAD, is an assessment method based on dialogue. With a clear teaching goal and teaching criteria, the sequence begins with a dialogue between a focus student and the teacher, followed by a dialogue between the focus student and four to five feedback students. Last, there is a self-reflection for all students based on the goal and criteria (also for the reflecting students that are not part of the dialogue).

In this master’s project, I have investigated the formative assessment for both focus student, feedback students and teacher in SAD. I used SAD as a method to conclude a practical exercise in chemistry in STX. Here there was a focus on getting the students to combine observations with theory, and therefore the goal and criteria were focused on that.

I investigated this, first of all, by filming four SAD-sequences in a 2g class with chemistry C. Those films were categorized by dialogue and afterwards coded and made into network maps. The size of my empirical work is quite small, so the following findings cannot be generalized to apply for all STX students but only the class investigated. That said, some ideas for further research can be found in this project and inspire other (chemistry) teachers to use and adapt SAD and develop their teaching.

It was found that formative potential easily could be found in these maps, and by formative potential, I mean that there, in SAD, was potential for formative assessment, but not necessarily utilized. It was seen that by using maps you could quickly get an overview of formative potential in a dialogue, and it was found that especially in big loops formative potential was found. To see if this potential was utilized, it was necessary to dive deeper into those places in the dialogue by transcribing the dialogue.

It was found that the scholarly level of the focus student had a great impact on his or her own formative assessment. The formative assessment for the feedback students were in general not that great, mostly because SAD is a method, where especially feedback students have a quite new role compared to other teaching methods. Therefore, it is essential to constantly discuss the role of the feedback students with the class over time – with focus on developing their question skills in form of uptake and authentic questions. The formative assessment in investigating the use of SAD as a teaching method, was quite high for the teacher. Both in ways of making SAD work as a teaching method over time – especially how to improve the dialogue between feedback students and focus student, but also in developing the teachers own question skills.
