28. september 2015

Forskningslignende situationer på et førsteårskursus i matematisk analyse

Forskningsligende situationer på et førsteårskursus i matematisk analyse [5.83 MB]

IND's studenterserie nr. 42. Kandidatspeciale. Matematik

Katrine Frovin  Gravesen, Juni 2015

Vejleder: Carl Winsløw


This master thesis explores the idea of teaching activities of a research like nature on a first year course in mathematical analysis. Based on the theory of didactical situations this master thesis investigates what research like situations might look like. The master thesis creates a model to describe global attributes concerning research like situations and categorizes research like activities. While this model was developed, a new task design to be used in Analyse 0, a first year course in mathematics at University of Copenhagen, was created. The task design solves a design problem regarding the creation of tasks focusing on the theoretical bases of calculus in one and several variables. The purpose of the task design is to encourage the students to participate actively in the classroom, that the task design is relevant with respect to the examination of the course whilst also having the students perform activities, which can be described as research like.
