PROMISE: Publications and outreach
International Journal Publications
Pot, M., Spalletta, O., & S. Green. (2024). Precision medicine in primary care: How GPs envision “old” and “new” forms of personalization. Social Science & Medicine, 358. published online:
2024). Logics of Reciprocity in Denmark: Longing and Belonging in a Virtuous Cycle of Welfare. Economic Anthropology 1–9.
. (Green, S., Prainsack, B. & Sabatello, M. (2023). The roots of (in)equity in precision medicine: gaps in the discourse. Personalized Medicine, 21(1), 5-9, published online:
Green, S., Prainsack, B. & Sabatello, M. (2023). Precision medicine and the problem of structural injustice. Medicine, Healthcare and Philosophy, published online:
Green, S., Hillersdal, L., Holt, J., Hoeyer, K., & Wadmann, S. (2023). The practical ethics of repurposing health data: how to acknowledge invisible data work and the need for prioritization. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, published online:
Pinel, C., Green, S. & Svendsen, M. N. (2023). Slowing down decay: Biological clocks in personalized medicine. Frontiers in Sociology, published online:
Green, S. & Svendsen, M. N. (2021). Digital phenotyping and data inheritance. Big Data & Society, 8(2), 1-5.
Outreach and debate
Green, S., Haase, C. B., & Spalletta, O. (2024). Wellnessindustrien-- nu i almen praksis? Bibliotek for Læger, published online:
Green, S. (2024). Socio-Political Costs of Implementing Precision Medicine. Health Management (24)1, published online:
Spalletta, O. & Green, S. (2024). Selvmonitorering i hjemmet: forebyggelse og den ansvarlige patient. Practicus, 258, 14-15, published online: audio version:
Haase, C. B., Spalletta, O. & Green, S. (2023). Dit smartwatch gør dig nok ikke sundere, men det gør wellnessproducenterne rigere. Information, Kronik d. 8. December 2023. Tilgængelig online:
Oral presentations
“Evidence standards in precision medicine”, Sara Green, LOGOS seminar, Department of Philosophy, University of Barcelona, December 13, 2023 (Invited talk)
“Signs before symptoms? Perspectives on preventive precision medicine”, Sara Green & Olivia Spalletta, SympCa 2023, Tromsø, Norway, September 22, 2023.
“Ordinary Suffering”, Olivia Spalletta, MEGA seminar, Sønderborg, Denmark, August 21, 2023.
“Parables of Prevention”, Olivia Spalletta & Sara Green, Preventing Overdiagnosis”, Copenhagen Denmark, August 15, 2023. The abstract is published in BMJ:
“Personalized medicine in primary care”, Mirjam Pot & Sara Green, Presentation for the MeInWe research group, Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen, October 4, 2022.
“Hope and hype in preventive precision medicine”, Sara Green, Melanie Weilguny & Hanne Andersen. Society for Philosophy of Science in Practice (SPSP), Ghent, Belgium, July 3, 2022.
“Commentary: P-Medicine - Reflections on the practical implementations of health personalisation”. Sara Green. Society for Philosophy of Science in Practice (SPSP), Ghent, Belgium, July 2, 2022.
Media Coverage
Altinget, 12. December 2023: “Forskere advarer mod urealistiske forventninger til personlig medicin”: