Holography without holography: How to turn inter-representational into intra-theoretical relations in AdS/CFT

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We show by means of the AdS/CFT correspondence in the context of quantum gravity how inter-representational relations—loosely speaking relations among different equivalent representations of one and the same physics—can play out as a tool for intra-theoretical developments and thus boost theory development in the context of discovery. More precisely, we first show that, as a duality, the AdS/CFT correspondence cannot in itself testify to the quantum origin of gravity (though it may be utilized for this purpose). We then establish through two case studies from emergent gravity (Jacobson (2016); Verlinde (2017)) that the holographic AdS/CFT correspondence can, however, still excel as a guiding principle towards the quantum origin of gravity (similar in nature to quantisation).

TidsskriftStudies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B - Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics
Sider (fra-til)101-117
Antal sider17
StatusUdgivet - 2020
Eksternt udgivetJa

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
We would like to thank Stefano Furlano, James Read, Kian Salimkhani, Manus Visser, Christian Wüthrich, and two anonymous reviewers of this journal for helpful comments and discussions. We are also very grateful to Tamara Kohler and Manus Visser for insightful explanations on entanglement networks and Verlinde's approach respectively. Niels Linnemann is grateful to the Swiss National Science Foundation for financial support under project number 105212 165702 .

Publisher Copyright:
© 2020 The Authors

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